O FATHER, help me to treat my children as You have treated me. Make me sensitive to their needs and frustrations. Help me to listen with attention, insight, and understanding to what they have to say. Help me to treat them as a person of Your design and therefore of real worth. Help me to respect... their times to talk without interrupting or contradicting them... their ideas... their need for freedom to make choices and to take responsibilities as they are able. O, give me the wisdom and understanding to teach my children as You have taught me.
Let me not forget they are children and not little adults, being patient and helpful as they are developing skills and mental abilities and to allow them mistakes and accidents without laughing at or belittling them.
Thank You for the provision of my need as a parent in charge of this flock of God. Than You that int he Lord Jesus You have given all I need to be what I ought as a Christian parent.